Download OpenAPI specification:Download
The Storebox User API is a simple API to maintain attributes on a user.
The API also allows signup of users directly from the ECR.
Figure 1 shows an overall sequence flow showing integration points for a signup directly from the ECR. The enduser must click the link and verify the phone number before a receipt can be matched.
Two different signup flows are supported:
In Storebox controlled term accept, the link sent in the verification SMS sends the enduser to a generic term accept page controlled by Storebox. This page contains an IFrame and an "Accept" button. The IFrame will load an external webpage, which must be provided, containing the terms of the loyalty program. Upon Accept, the enduser will be redirected to the landingpage:
In Customer controlled term accept, the verification SMS link sends the enduser directly to an external signup page. The link contains a linkCode. When the enduser has entered all mandatory profile information and accepted the terms, the signup service can call Storebox with the linkCode. Storebox will then create the user.
Call linkcode exists endpoint to ensure the linkCode exists before the user starts to enter signup information.
When users have accepted the terms call linkcode verify to create the user
Creates a new user with the given phone number. If the phone number is already known the card is added to the existing user. If the phone number is not known a sms with a validation link is sent.
phonenumber required | string Phone number in MSISDN format |
truncatedPan required | string Masked payment card number |
token required | string Card token from the terminal |
payment | boolean Indicate if the card should be added to recurring payments |
storeId | string Indicates what store sent the signup request to Storebox. This value will only be used to include in the verification SMS, if one is sent. |
{- "phonenumber": "4511111111",
- "truncatedPan": "457100XXXXXX0001",
- "token": "2797aa22047e89e0b39c1626b1be53cf246051b4927f2be7108bf5476edf4937",
- "payment": true,
- "storeId": "SB-10001"
In cases where the card is not known at signup time, the enduser can be created based on the card token received from the card terminal. This endpoint creates a new user with the given phone number. If the phone number is already known the token is added to the existing user. If the phone number is not known a sms with a validation link is sent.
phonenumber required | string Phone number in MSISDN format |
token required | string The cardtoken that the enduser should be identified on as received from the card terminal. |
tokenType required | string The type of the token. This value is specified by Storebox during setup |
truncatedPan | string Send the truncatedPan if possible. This will be returned when getting a users cards. If not set token will be returned when getting a users cards. |
{- "phonenumber": "4511111111",
- "token": "2797aa22047e89e0b39c1626b1be53cf246051b4927f2be7108bf5476edf4937",
- "tokenType": "viking_nordic",
- "truncatedPan": "457100XXXXXX0000"
Signup to the service without card information. This endpoint sends an OTP via sms to the phone number given.
phonenumber required | string Phone number in MSISDN format |
memberId | string Enables the client to specify a member identifier. If omitted the system will generate one automatically. |
smsType | integer Default: 1 Allow the client to specify the flow of the signup.
{- "memberId": "xy4zj61clts8x00kfwpra9y0fiq79a2f",
- "smsType": 1
A link code is a reference to the signup data Storebox recieves upon enrollment initiation. Before the enduser is enrolled, mandatory information and terms accept should be collected. Once collected from the enduser the link code can be used to enroll the enduser.
linkCode required | string Example: p7hy9 The linkCode created by Storebox during verification preparation |
{- "provider": "Storebox",
- "phoneNumber": 4512345678,
- "linkCode": "cnhocnfz4d",
- "storeId": "SB-10001",
- "created": "2014-05-14T15:22:11Z"
Create the user referenced by the linkCode. It is the responsebility of the caller to ensure the enduser has accepted terms before this endpoint is called.
To avoid situations where Storebox responds with an unknown linkCode error, please see Link code exists endpoint.
linkCode required | string Example: p7hy9 The linkCode created by Storebox during verification preparation |
memberId | string [ 4 .. 32 ] characters The external member id of the user. If omitted a member id will be created |
{- "memberId": "6fpw801mmb081vrn3jvqnr293v66c2ix"
{- "state": 0
User CRUD operations. If used from a hostile environment using bearer token authentication the header X-Storebox-user-token
is required with the token from the authentication process (See User Authentication).
Returns the user and added user parameters.
userId required | string Example: 0467q4wqp7hyyxei3amxauz808vudi5x The user id from the OTP process |
{- "phoneNumber": "4511111111",
- "userId": "string",
- "parms": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "value": "string"
Arbitrary information can be stored on a user in a key/value pair form. There is no validation of the parameters. If phone number is present an OTP is sent to it. The phone number will not be assigned to the user before the OTP is validated.
userId required | string Example: 0467q4wqp7hyyxei3amxauz808vudi5x The user id from the OTP process |
phonenumber | string Users phone number in MSISDN format |
phonenumberValid | boolean Set this to true to avoid starting an OTP flow. It is then up to the caller that the phone number is verified. |
Array of objects Key-value pairs stored on the user. This could be something like age, gender or any value |
{- "phonenumber": "string",
- "phonenumberValid": true,
- "parms": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "value": "string"
If users do not have their payment cards, this endpoint can be used to retrieve a token on the user. A token can only be returned if the user previously has registered a card.
phonenumber required | string Phone number in MSISDN format |
{- "token": "3f8eef9a2833db7dad5393210aef92ecb876e85fa03356b5b974e1bbf9cfbd61"
Validates the match between the otp and the phonenumber. The otp is deleted and cannot be used again.
phonenumber required | string Phone number in MSISDN format |
otp required | string The OTP to validate |
{- "userId": "xy2vk5trm9ctino4ddy2xhey7m7japgg"
If the API is used as client-to-server API, the user operation requires an authentication token. This token has to be present as a header X-Storebox-user-token
, when requesting user operations (/users
Verify the token request using OTP. When succesful verified an access token will be returned that has to be used in the user endpoints.
phonenumber | string Phone number in MSISDN format |
otp | string The OTP |
{- "phonenumber": "4511111111",
- "otp": "1234"
{- "accessToken": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ7XCJ1c2VySWRcIjpcImFyMHJ1c2w2cWYxNXAxNWc2MHQzaDI5cmNyNnJlZDdxXCIsXCJtc2lzZG5cIjpcIjQ1Mjc1NzU3MjdcIn0iLCJleHAiOjE1MzQ1MTQwMzR9.RiQxPZ8YLcmw38Pa1mjBvaegMHhk48FO9pQNJRab_o"
The landing page is a HTML page hosted externally for acquiring user consent.
The landing page is requested with a linkCode parameter ex.:
This linkCode is used to finalize the creation process after consent has been given.
A description of the flow can be found in Customer controlled term accept under Signup.
For security reasons the linkCode is deleted after the request has been completed and cannot be used to update user information again.
When certain events happen within the user platform, a notification can be dispatched.
In order to setup notications, Storebox must receive an URL per notification type with static authentication headers. Storebox will not append information of the event type to the URL.
Storebox monitors the response code returned, but will not handle the response body.
Note: None of the endpoints, in the "Notifications" section, exists in the user API, but are endpoints the integrator must implement and expose. The suggested URL's, are only examples, and you, as an integrator, are free to define your own.
Notification that will be send when a new user is created.
memberId | string The memberId of the new user |
phoneNumber | string Phonenumber of the new user |
provider | string Name of the loyalty program owner |
{- "memberId": "xy4zj61clts8x00kfwpra9y0fiq79a2f",
- "phoneNumber": "4511111111",
- "provider": "storebox"
User has updated either phonenumber or some parameters
memberId | string The memberId of the new user |
phoneNumber | string Phonenumber of the user |
provider | string Name of the loyalty program owner |
Array of objects |
{- "memberId": "xy4zj61clts8x00kfwpra9y0fiq79a2f",
- "phoneNumber": "4511111111",
- "provider": "storebox",
- "parms": [
- {
- "name": "propertyName",
- "value": "string"
User has been deleted
memberId | string The memberId of the user |
provider | string Name of the loyalty program owner |
{- "memberId": "xy4zj61clts8x00kfwpra9y0fiq79a2f",
- "provider": "storebox"